How do I edit a leave policy?

To edit a time-off policy, you need to follow these actions:

  • From the menu, select Company and then go to the Leave types tab.
  • Select the Leave type that you would like to edit.
  • From the Settings tab, click on the Settings icon .
  • Make the necessary edits such as default allowance, enforcing allowance rules, permission to request half days, or book time off in the past.
  • Once you made your edits, click Save.

Practically from the Leave Type Policy Settings, you can edit several elements:

  1. The title of the leave. Here you have complete freedom of choice: From Vacation to Holiday, Annual leave, Casual leave, or PTO. Other examples include from Medical to Sick. Any name is possible.

  2. The color code: The color in which the leaves of absences will be visible in the team vacation calendars and leave planners.

  3. The default annual leave allowance for this type of leave. You can set it from 0 to 365. We consider 365 days is unlimited. At the beginning of each calendar year, employees will receive this amount.

    a. Please note that you will be able to set up different general allowances per employee,
    b. you can adjust each employee's yearly allowances (i.e., if someone is hired in the middle of the business year), and
    c. you can carry forward leave days at the end of the year.

  4. The absence intervals. The possibility to request only full days of absence or allow employees to register also half days of absence (AM or PM).

    a. Half-days will be reflected as half-day in the vacation calendar.
    b. Half-day means 0.5 days, and this will be reflected so into the reports. Ie. If an employee works 8 hours per day to help payroll, the system will know that you have worked only 4 hours if you booked a half-day on Monday and will reflect this into the leave reports.

  5. Permit registering in the past. If this option is enabled, employees will be able to book leaves retroactively. Think about when someone had an emergency and did not have the time to register the absence. We recommend activating this for Sick leave types.

  6. Minimum leave notice. As the option says, it is the number of days that each time-off request has to be registered in advance by the employee.

  7. Enforce allowance. With this option activated, the system will block all leave requests for more time off days that the employee has available. If one employee wants to request 5 days, while he has available only 3, the system will not permit the employee to register the request.

  8. Comment required. When activated, this option makes the comment field mandatory every time an employee requests this type of time off.

  9. Auto approve. When activated, the system will skip the approval workflows and automatically approve all the requests introduced by the staff, no matter the access level.

  10. Usable in interval: When this option is active, you will be prompted to setup the interval in which employees can use this type of time-off. This option is used primarily for the time off types with an expiry date. I.e., Leaves that have been carried over and expire at the end of March.

  11. Ask for a replacement: When this option is activated, a new field called Replacement (back-up person) is added to the Request time off form located in the Employee dashboard. Note that when this option is active, you can decide if you want to make this a mandatory field or just an optional one.

  12. Adjust allowance on employment: The system will automatically adjust his/her allowance for this type of leave of absence based on the employee's employment date. Usually, the HR manager performs onboards new employees, and the functionality speeds up the process.
    Example: Suppose you offer 10 days of Vacation allowance annually for your employees. In that case, when you invite a new employee hired in the middle of the year, his allowance for this year will be automatically adjusted to 5 days. Moreover, when the annual Vacation allowance resets in the next fiscal year, the employee will get 10 days.

  13. Is this a working request typeNew: When this option is activated, the system will consider the booked day as a working day, not an employee absence. This setting is recommended for leave types such as Work From Home, Training, or Mission. Additionally, when activated, the attendance reports will be highlight such a day with 8h, vs 0h when deactivated.

  14. Show earned allowanceNew: When active, within the Reports > Annual situation insights, you will be able to see not only the Used , Available, and Allowance time-off days but also the Earned days up to that date. And if you need a more specific report for an employee that is departing on a particular date, if you open the filters you can generate that report for a specified date.

  15. Block new hires to book time-off during probation. If you intend to block PTO submissions for every new hires during the probation period, you can do it from this rule. Note that this functionality is applied consistently across the organization and rules implemented based on the hire date of the newly added employees in the system. In this way you can block PTO for 30, 60, 90, or as many days your policy suggests.


How to modify the vacation allowances for multiple employees?

As an administrator, when you click on one type of leave from Company > Leave types > Vacation, you will have access to an overview of all the employees' allowances. You can easily make several modifications, or check default allowances, adjustments, and carry-over amounts from this screen.

How to change the title of a time-off type ie from Vacation to Holiday?

Go to Company > Leave Types > Vacation > Settings tab > Click the settings icon > in the Name field, change from Vacation to Holiday > Click Save.

How to reorder the leave types in the book time-off form?

Go to Company > Leave Types > Click the reorder button and arrange the leave types as desired.

You might also be interested to deactivate a leave policy.