How to change the team manager?

To change the team name or team manager of a team:

  1. From the Menu, select Employees.
  2. Under Employees, select the Teams tab.
  3. From the Teams tab, select the team you want to change the manager (leave approver) or team name.
  4. Click on the Settings tab.
  5. Click on the Settings icon , and then you can change the name or the team manager.
  6. Click on Save.


How to change the approver of the employee?

With LeaveBoard you can setup a manager (approver), for each employee. To select the approver, follow these steps: From Employees > Employee name > Profile > Click the settings icon > Change the current approver to the new one.

Additionally, when your company is growing, you will be able to visualize all the managers of each employee from the Employees page.