Top 10 Ways To End An Email Professionally (With Real Examples)

You have done your best to write a professional email conveying the key messages, using the correct format, adding a valuable call to action, and ensuring you don't forget anything. Yet, you need to end the email and don't want to use the same best regards sign-off again.  

The context of the email provides clues on what sign-off work best. Writing to a colleague could be informal, while you might need to use something more formal to someone you haven't met. In the following lines, we expand in some tested ways and work. 

10 Email Sign-Offs That Just Work

Formal Business

1.    Sincerely

This is a classic and professional way to end an email. It works well for formal emails like job applications or business proposals.


Dear Mr. Huggins,

I have received your payment for the March subscription to the HR software. Please find the invoice attached to this email.

John Lane

2.    Best regards

This sign-off is a polite and commonly used way to end an email. It is appropriate for both formal and informal emails. It can be used in various communications: writing to your collaborators, new clients, board members, and, why not, your direct reports.


Thank you for sharing the latest details about the ongoing project and covering my tasks during my absence. I feel much better now and am ready to return to the office next week.

Best regards, 
Jessica Lancel

3.    Kind regards

Another way to sign-off off is both professional, formal, and polite. It can be used in a wide range of contexts, from job applications, job offers, regular communication, reaching new customers, and so on. 


Hello Josh,

I haven't received any feedback from your side regarding the company's updated mission and vision statement. Do you mind looking at my proposal and letting me know if we should advance with presenting it during the next team meeting?

I'm sure this will boost our company brand and culture.

Kind regards, 

4.    All the best

This is a friendly and positive way to end an email. It works well for emails to colleagues or clients. 


Thank you for facilitating the workshop on effective goal setting within our company. I have discussed this with my coworkers, and we're so excited to implement the OKR framework.
All the best, 

5.    Looking forward to hearing from you

This is a more professional way to end an email and is often used in business correspondence. In this way, you end an email, especially when waiting for your correspondent's feedback. 


It was great discussing the quarterly performance in our meeting at the cafeteria. Your hints will help me advance with the challenges I'm facing. Thank you one more time. You mentioned that you would share a course and a management book with me that I could check out. Do you mind sharing the names via email? 

I look forward to hearing from you,

Informal business – especially between colleagues

6.    Best

This is a friendly and warm way to end an email. It works well for emails to colleagues or clients.


Hello Silvia,

Good news. We've received confirmation from the people we decided we want to hire. Please find attached the list of the upcoming candidates that we need to successfully onboard in the next month.


7.    Thank you

This is a gracious and polite way to end an email and shows appreciation for the recipient's time and effort.


We had such great success with the Q1 results. The entire team worked hard and did their best to achieve our expected goals. The new project captures media attention, and we receive good customer feedback. 

Thank you. 

Tip: There are two alternatives to thank you: Thanks and Thank you in advance, depending on the context:

a.    Thanks: This is a more casual way to end an email. It works well for emails to colleagues or clients that you know well. 

b.    Thank you in advance: This is a polite way to end an email when you are asking someone for a favor or help

Related: We do share 5 professional interview thank you emails.

8.    With appreciation

When the objective of the message is to appreciate someone for their help, involvement, feedback, input, time, or donation, end the email with these closing words.


Hello Alex,

I just wanted to write this email to thank you for your help in coaching me on how to offer better feedback to my direct reports. In the last week, I've implemented your suggestions and saw that the coworkers are more engaged and collaborative.

With appreciation, 


9.    Regards

This is a brief and professional way to end an email and is appropriate for both formal and informal emails.


Thank you for accepting my vacation request. I really need these days off, and when I return, I will be more focused and productive. 



10.    Best wishes

This is another good, friendly, and personal way to end an email that shows friendliness in a respectful tone.


Dear Mary,

I know that you're great at keeping up with the project deliverables and ensuring that the entire team does their best to provide excellent quality to each task; however, I just wanted to remind you about the upcoming project meeting that will take place on July 1. Having a draft of the pending documents one week in advance would be great.

I hope to hear from you soon. 

Best wishes, 

Bonus:  Have a great [day/weekend/afternoon/etc.]

If you want to close your email in a relaxed, friendly way, use the simple formula: “Have a great day/afternoon is excellent. Moreover, if the weekend is around the corner, you might use the sign-off to have a great weekend. This way of signing off might be more appropriate than simple regard.


Dear Matt,

Please find attached the timeline for the next six months with the upcoming milestones, key tasks, and responsible. I believe this early draft is quite solid; however, I would appreciate it if you could check it out to see if we need to change something. I will pass by your office next week to discuss this further.

Have a great weekend, 


Professional email closing phrases

Are you looking for ways to enhance your email closing? Here are some short phrases that can help you wrap up your email on a positive note:

  1. If you require any further information, please don't hesitate to reach out.
  2. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.
  3. I'm excited to collaborate with you on this project.
  4. Should you need any clarifications, please feel free to ask.
  5. I look forward to hearing your feedback.
  6. Thank you for your time and consideration.
  7. I'm confident that we can achieve great results together.
  8. Wishing you continued success in your endeavors.
  9. If there's anything else I can assist you with, please let me know.
  10. I appreciate the opportunity to work with you.

Remember to choose a closing phrase that aligns with the tone and purpose of your email. 

Personalized Email Sign-Offs

Email Endings for When You're Asking for a Meeting

When requesting a meeting, your email closing should encourage the recipient to act. These closings express your desire to connect and discuss further while also allowing the recipient to suggest a suitable time or provide their availability.

  1. I would appreciate it if we could schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience.
  2. Please let me know when you can discuss this further in a meeting.
  3. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the details.
  4. Can we set up a meeting to go over this in more detail?
  5. I'm available for a meeting at your convenience. Please suggest a suitable time.

Email Sign-Offs for When You Need a Solution to a Question

These email closings are suitable when you're seeking a response to a specific query or request. They convey a sense of urgency and indicate your expectation of timely replies.

  1. I appreciate your prompt response.
  2. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  3. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
  4. Please let me know your reflections at your earliest convenience.
  5. I'm eager to receive your feedback on this matter.

Email Endings for When You Seek Feedback for a Task Completed

When seeking feedback on a completed task or project, showing appreciation for the recipient's input is important. These email closings express gratitude and emphasize your openness to their suggestions and comments.

  1. Your feedback on this completed task is greatly appreciated.
  2. I value your input on the work I have done.
  3. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the outcome.
  4. Please let me know if there are any revisions or changes you would like me to make.
  5. Your feedback will be invaluable in improving future projects.

Email Sign-Offs for When You're Planning for a Meeting/Remote Call:

When scheduling a meeting or remote call, your email closing should reflect your anticipation of the upcoming interaction. These closings convey your enthusiasm and set a positive tone for the forthcoming discussion or call.

  1. I am looking forward to our upcoming meeting/call.
  2. I'm excited to connect with you during our scheduled meeting/call.
  3. Let's discuss this further during our meeting/call.
  4. Our meeting/call will prove productive and collaborative.
  5. I'll be ready and available for our meeting/call.

Tip: When you're looking to write a simple meeting invitation email, we can help.

Email Closers for When You're Sending a Project Update or Finalizing a Task

Ensuring clarity and maintaining professionalism is crucial when providing updates or finalizing a task. These email closings offer further assistance, address any remaining questions, and show your commitment to completing the task or project successfully.

  1. Please let me know if you have further questions or require additional information.
  2. I will consider this task complete unless you have any further requests.
  3. I trust this update meets your expectations. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.
  4. I'm glad to have finalized this task. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need any further assistance.
  5. With this task completed, I'm ready to move on to the next phase.

What email endings should you avoid?

If you want to make a good impression with a new client or colleague, avoiding the closings you see on social media is best. Examples like

  • With love,
  • Thx
  • 10X
  • XOXO
  • Rgrds
  • —Julie
  • [No ending]
  • Send from my iPhone.

It should be avoided at all costs if you want to be polite, professional, and respectful in your email conversations.

Tip: When you're writing formal emails to your customers, aside of a polite closing, you might add a professional email signature.


These email endings work because they are professional, polite, and clear. They leave a positive impression on the recipient and show that you respect their time and attention. By choosing the right email ending, you can ensure that your message is received in the way you intended.

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