Veterans Day

Veterans Day honors the men and women who served in the American military. Initial called Armistice Day, it differs from Memorial Day.

About Veterans Day

Armistice Day marked the anniversary of the end of the First World War, November 11th, 1918, when the armistice with Germany went into effect. The end of the world‘s first major conflagration is celebrated in many countries. Still, after the Second World War, Armistice Day’s significance was changed to cover all the veterans who served in the U.S. army. Since 1954 it has been known as Veterans Day.

How is the Veterans Day celebrated?

On Veterans Day military parades and events are held across the country. Church services and cemetery commemorations are dedicated to veterans who have passed away. Many local events dedicated to veterans including parties, concerts, and recognition ceremonies.

When is Veterans Day?

Veterans Day is celebrated each year on November 11th.

Is Veterans Day a federal holiday?

Veterans Day is one of the ten federal holidays recognized by the United States Government. Federal non-essential government offices and private businesses are closed on Veterans Day.


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