Working Hours in 2024

Are you interested in finding out the number of working hours for 2024 and how many working days each month of the year has? LeaveBoard has the answer to these questions. We provide you with a calendar with all the information regarding the number of working days and working hours for full-time employees.

2024 Working Hours per Month

In the following table, you will find the number of working hours for each month of the year (from January to December 2024). The table includes detailed explanation on the deductions for example weekends or public holidays. The table can help when you need to handle the monthly payroll for your workforce or plan work correctly. The table is generated for the US audience.


Number of working days

Number of business days

Number of weekend days

Working hours monthly


January 1-31





Monday, January 01, New Year's Day

Monday, January 15 -Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

February 1-29





Monday, February 19 - Washington’s Birthday

March 1-31






April 1-30






May 1-31





Monday, May 27 -Memorial Day

June 1-30





Wednesday, June 19-Juneteenth National Independence Day

July 1-31





Thursday, July 04 - Independence Day

August 1-31






September 1-30





Monday, September 02 - Labor Day

October 1-31





Monday, October 14 - Columbus Day

November 1-30





Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day

Thursday, November 28 - Thanksgiving Day

December 1-31





Wednesday, December 25 - Christmas Day

Total yearly






How many working hours in a year?

Solution 1. Based on the monthly working hours
This solution is more precise as it makes distinctions between leap and normal years.

a. Calculate the number of working hours per year based on the work schedule and the monthly working days.

If you have a work schedule of 5 days per week (Monday to Friday), 8 hours per day, then calculate the number of working days. 

366 calendar days (2024 is a leap year) - 104 weekends = 262 working days. 

262 working days x 8 hours = 2096 hours in a year.

b. Deduct public holidays

Depending on your state, your organization will offer employees more or less public holidays. 

In the US, there are 11 business holidays per year. 

2096 - 88 = 2008.

c. Deduct PTO hours

Reflect on the number of PTO hours you are receiving in one year. In the US, Paid Time Off is usually 80 hours. However, that might differ based on loyalty, contract start date, company policies, etc. 

2008-80 = 1928

Result: 1928 working hours in a year. 

Solution 2: Based on the weekly hours worked

a. Establish the number of weekly working hours

For full-time salaried employees, the default contractual amount is 40 hours per week. However, part-time employees might have 35 days or less. For this example, we will use the standard 40h work week. 

b. Multiply by 52 to get the estimated annual amount

Once you have the weekly number, multiply by 52 weeks to get a rough estimate of the annual amount.

52 x 40 = 2080.

Attention: Considering the OPM standard, over a 28-year cycle, there are 4 years with 2,096 hours, 17 years with 2088 hours, and 7 years with 2,080 hours, resulting in an average of 2,087 hours per year.

It's a frequent misconception that there are 2,080 work hours in a year (40 hours multiplied by 52 work weeks). However, there aren't exactly 52 weeks (52 x 7 = 364 days) each year.

c. Deduct PTO hours

Reflect on the number of PTO hours you are receiving in one year. In the US, Paid Time Off is usually 80 days. However, that might differ based on loyalty, contract start date, company policies, etc. 

2080-80 = 2000.

d. Deduct public holidays

Depending on your state, your organization will offer employees more or less public holidays. In the US, there are 11 public holidays per year. 

2000 - 88 = 1912.

FAQ Working Hours

How many working hours are in a year?

Since there are 2096 working hours in 2024, we remove 11 days of Holidays (11 days x 8h) and 10 days of Paid Time Off (10 days x 8h), then we're discussing about approximately 1928 hours (2096 - 88 - 80).

How many working hours are in a month on average?

A month consists of 20 to 22 working days (or roughly four work weeks). Assuming an employee works full-time (8 hours per day), this equates to 160 to 176 hours per month.

Another way of calculating the result is: 40 hours per week multiplied by 52 weeks per year and divided by 12 months per year equals 173.33 average monthly hours.

What is the meaning of one man year?

A man-year is a unit of measurement representing an individual's total work done over the course of a year. Man-years are measured in hours. A basic calculation of the amount of man-hours in a year is 2,080 hours, excluding vacations.

How do you calculate the weekly working hours?

Use a timesheet or a clock-in software to track your daily hours, and have a summary at the end of the week.

What are the factors influencing the work hours?

Several factors can influence work hours, including the work environment, work schedules, work contracts, work performance improvement, and the type of work being done. Each of these factors is important because they can affect an individual's work-life balance, productivity, and job satisfaction.

How many hours are in a year?

In 2024, and in every leap year there are 8784 hours. Explanation: (366 days) x (24 hours/day) = 8784 hours. In normal years, there are (365 days) x (24 hours/day) = 8760 hours . Next leap year: 2028.

How many hours are in a week?

Every week has 168 hours. Explanation: 1 week = 7 days/week = (7 days/week) x (24 hours/day) = 168 hours/week.


Working days and hours per month in 2023

Are you interested in finding out the number of working days for 2023 and how many working days each month of the year has? LeaveBoard has the answer to these questions. We provide you with a calendar with all the information regarding the number of working days and working hours for full-time employees.

MonthNumber of working daysNumber of business daysNumber of weekendsWorking hours monthlyHolidays
January 1-3122209160Monday, January 02, New Year's Day (observed)
Monday, January 17 -Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
February 1-2820198152Monday, February 20 - Washington’s Birthday
March 1-3123238184
April 1-30202010160
May 1-3123228176Monday, May 29 -Memorial Day
June 1-3022218168Monday, June 19-Juneteenth National Independence Day
July 1-31212011160Tuesday, July 04 - Independence Day
August 1-3123238184
September 1-3021209160Monday, September 04 - Labor Day
October 1-3122219168Monday, October 09 - Columbus Day
November 1-3022208160Friday, November 10 - Veterans Day
Thursday, November 23 - Thanksgiving Day
December 1-31212010160Monday, December 25 - Christmas Day

The following calculations are made for employees working 8 hours per day from Monday to Friday that follow the US public holidays:

  • Total working days (Monday to Friday): 261 days (or 2088 hours)
  • Total business days (Monday to Friday - Federal Holidays): 250 days (or 2000 hours)
  • 2023 has 365 days. It has 11 holidays during the week, and there are 105 weekend days.

To provide more granularity and details, in the following calendar shows has all the US holidays, working hours monthly, and the working days.

160 hours in Jansmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmt
152 hours in Febwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmt   
184 hours in Marwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtf
160 hours in Aprssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfss 
176 hours in Maymtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtw
168 hours in Juntfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtf 
160 hours in Julssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssm
184 hours in Augtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwt
160 hours in Sepfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfs 
168 hours in Octsmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmt
160 hours in Novwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwt 
160 hours in Decfssmtwtfssmtwtfssmtwtfss mtwtfss

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