Vacation Calendar

The vacation calendar software visually represents your employees' absences at any time. The software automatically tracks staff vacations, sick leave, and other types of leave, ensuring business continuity, transparency, and better collaboration.

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Who's off?

Want to know who is out of the office?

The LeaveBoard vacation calendar app informs you and your team about the employees who are out of the office.

The product adapts to dynamic teams and employees who crave transparency and easy access to HR data.

Team vacation calendar

Time off calendar

Time off calendar

The calendar works great as a vacation planner and also as a vacation tracker.

In one view, you have all the details you need to plan your next vacation or request days off. With with the second view, you have your annual vacation tracker.

Vacation tracking software

If you're looking for a digital solution to handle all types of leaves of absence, LeaveBoard is the answer.

The vacation tracking software is easy to use, has the right mix of functionalities for small to mid-sized businesses, and helps you manage employee vacations like a pro.

Vacation tracking software

Functional mobile HR app

Need to work from home? Open the app, and with two taps you book 2 days of WFH, and that's it. Your manager will instantly get an email about it, and the entry will appear in the vacation calendar so that your colleagues are aware that you will join the meeting remotely.

If scheduling employee vacation is a nightmare because of leave conflicts and multiple updates, switch to a novel tool.

Leave app

Integration with Office365 and Google

See who will be out of the office right from Google Calendar. Let the time-off system manage company-wide or team-specific vacation calendars for Google Apps. In case you didn't know, you can do the same on Outlook Calendar, Apple Calendar, or your calendar of choice with the .ics feed.

How does it looks?

Your Vacation/WFH/Sick leave entries within Google Calendar

  • Company/team/office/personal time-off calendar feeds
  • Work anniversaries
  • Birthdays
  • Public holidays
HR software integrations

Employee leave calendar

As an HR manager, you are in complete control of your employees' time-off data.

You can see the vacation calendar for any staff members in a few clicks, customize the allowances, etc.

Vacation scheduling

From now on, scheduling your vacations will be effortless.

Visualize all the absences within your team or department.

Your manager is instantly notified about your vacation requests.

Know the overlapping absences when you book time off.

Vacation tracking calendar

Track all the leaves of absence

Track leaves such as Vacation, Sick, and Work from Home - every time your employees submit a request with the cloud-based app.

The vacation allowance will be available to check at any moment in time. Managers can access reports where absence levels are reported and become inputs for payroll.

One team, One location
Several teams, Multiple geographies

Regardless of the size of your business, the calendar will adapt to your needs. You can see the entire workforce, focus on a specific team or employee, or filter on NY, Canada, or Singapore.

The staff calendar also shows the official holidays. The HR software allows administrators to set up public holidays to associate with each employee. And if your company spreads across multiple geographies, you can have different public holidays for each location.

Update: You can now also filter by subsidiary.

Smart notifications

One collaborative tool, is more effective than a static Excel sheet

LeaveBoard sends the request to the right manager via email.

The leave calendar updates your status when you are sick or working remotely.

In this way, the team vacation calendar instantly updates with the latest leaves, and your team is kept in the loop automatically.

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Vacation Calendar Software
An interactive presentation

The following video covers the key elements of the LeaveBoard team absence calendar.


Get the team vacation calendar for free or at an affordable price.


  • 9 employees maximum
  • Full feature access
  • Customer support


  • $1.35/employee
  • 14 days trial
  • Free account setup

Vacation tracking software

Be less busy, and start to be more productive.

Start using vacation tracking software to allow your people to plan, schedule, request, monitor, track, and manage employee absences for vacation, PTO, sick leave, and other time off.

Get the ideal tools for a modern business and an agile HR department.

  • Vacation balances
  • Vacation history
  • Team vacation calendar
One more thing

The vacation calendar had a set of updates to satisfy the leaders within fast-growing businesses.

Get more value in less time. How?

  • Employee start date and end date reflected in the calendar
  • Pending approval vacation requests are marked visually differently than the approved ones
  • Fits employees with non-traditional schedules (for example, only Monday and Wednesday as working days)
  • WFH requests get 8h of work while Vacation get 0h of work.

More control for Admins and HR leads

  • Setup blackout (restricted) dates
  • Personalize the color codes for each leave type
  • Custom calendar visibility and privacy settings (Who sees what)
  • Restrict employees from scheduling time off during probation.
  • Multiple access levels.

Automate your Human Resources Management with the leave and vacation calendar your employees and the HR department will enjoy.

Easy setup ● No contracts required ● No credit cards