Memorial Day

Memorial Day is dedicated to the commemoration of men and women who died serving in the U.S. military. It was originally known as Decoration Day, proclaimed by General John A. Logan on 30th of May, 1868.

About the Memorial Day

The history of Memorial Day began after the Civil War but its significance was extended after the two world conflagrations that impacted the U.S., the First World War, and the Second World War. It became a federal holiday in 1971.

How is the Memorial Day celebrated?

On Memorial Day all American states organize parades in the major cities. Veterans and military personnel take part in events all across the country. Graves and military cemeteries are decorated with flowers and host religious manifestations. People visit memorials and cemeteries and wear red poppies in remembrance of the fallen soldiers. Concerts and poem recitals are organized in the memory of those who gave their lives under the American flag.

At 3 p.m. a moment of remembrance is held.

When is Memorial Day celebrated?

The Memorial Day is honored each year, on the last Monday of May.

Is Memorial Day a federal holiday?

The Memorial Day is one of the ten federal holidays recognized by the United States Government. Federal non-essential government offices and many private businesses are closed on Memorial Day.


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