Day Counter

Use the online age calculator will calculate your age as of today, or at any point in past or future. When you need to know how old you are in years, months weeks and days we provide the answers.



Count Days from a Date

This simple calculator offers the possibility to identify the new date by adding or subtracting days from an initial date. The online days calculator will show what day of the week the new date will be.


How many days between two dates?

The day counter will help to identify the number of days between two dates. You have to select the first date and then the second one, and then you will get the result. If you would like to include the end date in the calculation, check the radio button.


What date and day will it be in X days?

When you know that you have 20 days until a big event and what to know the exact date, then such a calculator will provide your answer. It also can plan for specific milestones, for example, a project launch, or set a fitness goal.
The form is simple yet gives you an honest perspective on identifying the expected date and the day of the week.

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